case study: alumni stories


The Alumni Stories series we created for the Schulich School of Business at York University was developed to be used as a recruitment tool that would fit seamlessly with the school's ongoing campaign efforts and yearly viewbook. As such, we interviewed a number of recent alumni that had been featured in print publications for the school, amplifying the available written content with a resolutely personal video where each alumni shared their own story. By keeping the tone light, and making sure we interview people across the full business spectrum (from investment bankers to startup founders, advertising executives to internal auditors) we help prospective students get a sense of the sort of the growth they might experience during and after the program.

Andrea A.

Arthur Z. L.

JP D. C.

Ricardo L. S.

Naomi H.

Lisa Marie C.

Sabrina J.-N.

Navin K.

Megan F.

Gaya R.

Lyndsay B.

Mohini M.

Yana F.

Tareq L.

Henry L.

Jasmin A.

Lucie W.

Chetan S.

Jia H. Y.

Valeriya K.

Alpha S.

Nicholas R.

Adam D.

Iris S.

Ronak M.

Michael Z.

Umehani K.

Nina M.

Renuga N.

Vincent C.

Faghya S.

Dishan R.